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【GS1 HK Academy】Retail Supply Chain Data Analytics Certification Course (English content only)




Be a Citizen Data Scientist in the Digital Age

Get hands-on Experience with Open-Source Software and Acquire International Certification.

Retail Supply Chain (RSC) Data Analytics Certification Course with OpenCertHub with OpenCertHub provides you with insights in data analytics to retail supply chain management. You will:

  • Equip yourself with data literacy, even for non-tech personnel
  • Acquire international certifications recognised by the industry
  • Practise with real data and learn from industry best practices
  • Merge data literacy with retail supply chain domain knowledge
  • Develop open-source software skills in Apache Superset, Jupyter Notebook & Python required by digital transformation organisations
  • Apply data skills to real-world scenarios
  • Enjoy flexible learning schedule with video-on-demand curriculum and live tutorial sessions
  • Get authentic Role-Based Certificates verifiable by blockchain and GS1 HK anti-counterfeit code

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Course Journey

Certifications awarded upon completion of corresponding modules and examinations

  • Module 01

      Big data and open-source fundamentals

  • Module 02 
    (Qualification awarded: Data Citizen)

      Role accomplished with fundamental data literacy

  • Module 03 
    (Qualification awarded: Citizen Data Scientist)

      Role accomplished with intermediate data literacy

  • Module 04 
    (Qualification awarded: Advanced Citizen Data Scientist)

      Role accomplished with high-intermediate data literacy


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Course Details


RSC Data Analytics Certification Course

Module 1


Part 1     Supply Chain Management Certification

  • Core data components and effective data capturing technologies in supply chain
  • Improve supply change management by the use of data

Part 2     Big Data and Open-source Fundamentals Certification

  • Impact of big data and open-source development in the technology ecosystem
  • New best practices in a big data analytics environment
  • Introduction to data visualization technology and data communication

Module 2


Part 1    Quality Data Management Certification

  • The importance of data quality in data analytics
  • Enhancing data quality

Part 2     Data Visualization Essentials Certification

  • Interpret, clean, correlate and summarize data
  • Design and build data visualization dashboard with Apache Superset
  • Best practices of data visualization applications in business context

Module 3


Part 1    Supply Chain Best Practices Certification

  • Unlock data insights with analytic tools
  • Best practices and real world case sharings

Part 2    Data Analytics Essential Certification

  • The objectives and process of diagnostic analytics
  • Data modelling for diagnostic analytics with multiple data sources
  • Prepping data with Jupyter Notebook, Python & SQL Lab 
  • Perform diagnostic analytics with Apache Superset
  • Select appropriate machine learning algorithm with Python & scikit-learn

Module 4

Part 1    Supply Chain Scorecard / Measurement Certification

  • Supply Chain Scorecard & Measurement of functional enhancement effectiveness
  • Application of Data Analytics with Python in Retail & Supply Chain

Part 2    Python for Big Data Analytics Certification

  • Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Machine Learning best practice - CRISP-DM
  • Popular Machine Learning algorithms (Logistic Regression, SVM, KNN, Random Forest & Naive Bayes)
  • Data analytics with Python

CDPOS® (Certified Data Professional in Open-source Software) is an international Skills Certification designed specifically for Open-source Software.

KK Suen image
Chief Architect and Principal Consultant
GS1 Hong Kong
Head image
Chief Executive Officer
Sunon Technology HK Limited
Head image
Chief Technology Officer
Sunon Technology HK Limited


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