

Online Product Visibility - More with Less

About the company is the official website of Sa Sa International Holdings Limited. offers a huge variety of beauty and healthcare products. Sa Sa uses its global purchasing and sourcing capabilities to buy in large quantities and pass the savings to consumers. They also take exceptional care to ensure that everything they sell is genuine and of tip-top condition.


Today 70% of sales are influenced by information consumers find on the web, whether they purchase online or at the store. It is thus essential for brands to keep product information visible across the web on search engines, to make sure their products can actually be 'found' when a potential customer search for it. So, what is the best way to achieve product visibility on search engines?

The key is to providing structured data that follows the algorithm of search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing). However, even for well-developed platform like might find this a bit tricky. GSl SmartSearch is here to help to tackle the challenge.


A one and a half months trial was conducted from August to November 2016 in collaboration with A total of 30 products in three categories were tested on Google US and Google HK. The trail has recorded remarkable success.

- 21% of the keywords showed improvement in search ranking
- In US Market, one of the keywords recorded a boost of 70 ranks from 101st to 31st in search ranking
- 16% of the products recorded improved traffic in the US and HK sites

How SmartSearch works?

GSl SmartSearch can increase product visibility on search engines and generate more relevant search result and higher search ranking. Here is how it works:

  1. Create structured product information to web pages and relates the data to GTIN.
  2. The structured data can then be communicated with search engines and smart phone apps.
  3. Search engines can display more concise and relevant search results to consumers and leads to more click-through to product pages.

To consumers, a web page with GSl SmartSearch looks no different from a page without. But to search engines, it is very different.


By adopting SmartSearch, saved time to look up the search engines' algorithm since GSl has directly worked with Google, Yahoo and Bing on the important attributes. can now provide product information that is more easily read and understood by search engines, which leads to:

1 • Higher search rankings of products
2 • More relevant search
3 • Increased web traffic and sales

