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  • Transport & Logistics
20 Jan 2017

Seminar on Supply Chain Best Practices

English content only
10:00 – 12:00
160 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Limited Seats

A seminar designed for experienced executives whose firms have begun or planned to uplift its supply chain for values creation and business growth.

Fee: HK$120 per head

For enquiry, please contact Anson Poon by email ( or phone (2863 9780)


Payment information:

Please settle your payment by crossed cheque payable to "GS1 Hong Kong Ltd" with remarks "Seminar on Supply Chain Best Practices" as well as contact information (company name, name of registrant and tel. no.) at the back and mail to: GS1 Hong Kong, 22/F, OTB Building, 160 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong "


About the Seminar

Combining a wealth of real-world experiences, the seminar is designed for experienced executives whose firms have begun or planned to uplift its supply chain for values creation and business growth. Emphasis is placed on supply chain integration, performance measurement, supply chain technology and analytical applications, global operations, organisational dynamics and the best practices learned from world class organizations. The seminar also reviews best practice trends and opportunities. The seminar is delivered by renowned industry speakers who are demonstrating supply chain best practices every day and everywhere.



  • The Association for Operations Management (APICS)

  • DataDevelop Consulting Ltd

Who is it for

This seminar is particularly geared for experienced executives who hold any form of responsibilities in supply chain management. It is also suitable for logistics functional managers who desire a broader understanding of the role of logistics in a firm's supply chain strategy. The seminar provides insight into the design and execution supply chain best practices.

Learning Outcomes
  • To discuss how supply chain best practices can contribute to firm competitiveness

  • To understand how to measure supply chain maturity to achieve superior supply chain performance

  • To discuss how supply chain transforms from traditional management to best-in-class management

  • To identify and understand how supply chain best practices contribute to revenue and opportunity for the organizations





 Welcome Speech


 “Realizing supply chain best practices and contributions”

Mr. Henry Soo, Managing Director, DataDevelop Consulting Ltd., Authorized Training Provider for ISCEA, APICS


“Driving company growth through supply chain best practices”

Mr. Thomas Mak, Director of Business Development and Supply Chain, Cafe Deco Group


 “Understand you supply chain maturity against best practices”

Ms. Heidi Ho, Principal Consultant, GS1 Hong Kong


 Questions & Answers session


 Seminar Ends

Google Maps:
160 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
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